Saturday, September 6, 2008

Old Cell Phones to Support the Troops: Soldier Recycling

We have recently discussed ways to recycle old cell phones and dispose of unwanted cell phones while helping others.

While we mentioned phone banks for the elderly and abused, we did not mention another obvious destination of your old cell phones: Support the Troops.

There is an organization called Cell Phones for Soldiers. No, they don't send your useless cell phones to soldiers. THEY recycle them and use the proceeds to purchase prepaid phone cards for soldiers. So you are indirectly buying prepaid phone cards so soldiers can call their families.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Elderly and Abused May Benefit from Donated Cell Phones

In some cases the Elderly and Abused Women ( among others) may benefit from cell phone donation programs.

For example I came across this article about a phone bank in Michigan that is soliciting donations of used cell phones.

Those with old cell phones they no longer need may consider donating to a worthy cause. Those in need of a phone may be eligible and are required to fill out an application. The phones are modified to make emergency calls only prior to being redistributed.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Buy and Sell Old Cell Phones on eBay

This should be fairly obvious to a lot of people, but maybe not to everyone. One of the better places to buy and sell old used cell phones is eBay. Usually whenever I get a new cell phone with a contract extension I sell my old one on eBay. Sometimes I even get more than I paid originally!

That is not to say that you can't also find good deals if you are looking to buy a used cell phone. You really can. Sometimes you can find really good deals especially on higher end cell phones.

You might want to look around ebay for a used cell phone or use it to sell your own old cell phones. Check it out: Find Used Cell Phones on eBay

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Sell Your old Used Cell Phones and Make Money

This site is about buying old cell phones, but we figure we should provide some information on selling old cell phones as well.

You may have an old cell phone you no longer use. Maybe your contract was up and you got a new phone deal, you switched carriers, or you just don't like your phone.

We came across this site that will buy your used cell phones and think it might be worth checking out: Sell your old cell phones and get money

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Buy and Collect Discontinued and Antique Cell Phones

Many people are looking to buy old cell phones. There are many reasons for this. Some want to save money by finding a phone they like that is discontinued or never made by their preferred carrier. They may be looking for an unlocked phone that is a couple generations ( in technology terms) old.

Others collect old antique or interesting phone models just as collectors of any items do.

Yet another reason is just to save money buying used- like buying a used car. For example you can buy used cell phones at Cellular Country or Replacement Phones

Whatever the reason, with millions of wireless users, there is a market for old and used cell phones.