Friday, May 27, 2011

Where is the Best Place to Buy Used Cell Phones

I like buying used cell phones on eBay. I've also won a couple in some local auctions, but general you might have to do a little work to buy a used cell phone and get a good deal.

Of course that doesn't even address if you are looking specifically for old cell phones rather than recent used ones. I have to admit, I like to keep my phones a long time and once I'm used to a good phone I don't upgrade until I have to. My cell phone is 4 years old.

I also really like some specific older models that are out of program now. You have to make sure the older phones will work with our current wireless plan. I haven't had any problem so far. I usually keep my old phones in case something goes wrong with the new one and the provider won't let me out of the contract.

Do you have a favorite place to buy old cell phones?

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